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Ode to Our Places in Time

"No tears nor regrets now, no sorrow for dreams undone"

Published onAug 04, 2024
Ode to Our Places in Time

Photo by Jordan Benton:

O haven’t we been something,
we Gracies and Joans, Willies
and Bobs baring our hearts,
entreating all to feel, imagine—

our youths crossing the stage,
steps by hope kindled, voices
ringing, the blush of our lips
unveiling passions within us.

Supple, rebellious years—
O Otis, O Nina,
O Janis, Jimi, and Kurt,
didn’t we take our shot at life,
love hard, make a difference.
Weren’t we always where it’s at.

No tears nor regrets now,
no sorrow for dreams undone:
can anything fully be over,
wiped from the ages.
Aren’t we once and forever
one with the people, arms linked,

we Allens, Adriennes and Virginias.
O aren’t we something still,
steeped in time’s brine, on stage
even after we’re not.

Darrell Petska is a retired university engineering editor and two-time Pushcart Prize nominee. His poetry appears in Verse-Virtual, 3rd Wednesday Magazine, Front Porch Review, Amethyst Review, and widely elsewhere ( Father of five and grandfather of seven, he lives near Madison, Wisconsin, with his wife of more than 50 years.

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