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"any man here would pluck the apple for you"
Photo by Eric Torres: Pexels.com
You step into the room
and the air follows you
and the golden sun follows you
and hungry eyes follow you
and you smile
as if you didn't know
any man here
would pluck the apple for you.
But in the hallway
by the mirror
you study your face
for your next lines.
Perry L. Powell lives near Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. His work has appeared in Atavic Poetry, Cattails, Dead Snakes, eyedrum periodically, Frogpond, Haiku Presence, Prune Juice, Ribbons, The Camel Saloon, The Heron's Nest, The Innisfree Poetry Journal, The Lyric, vox poetica, Wolf Willow Journal and elsewhere.