“He left one day without saying goodbye.”
“Portrait of a Cancelled Lunch” by John Weik. Water paint on 11″ x 14″ paper, 2020.
He left one day without saying goodbye.
I cherished the moments that we shared.
He must have known my heart would wail and cry.
I wonder at the end if he was scared.
I wish I could take back that canceled lunch,
I mourn for those who missed time with him too.
Instead I told him something else came up.
He did so much good and there was so much more he planned to do.
When tragedy strikes the questions abound,
Did he know how I felt before he left?
Answers to these questions cannot be found.
Did his last thoughts involve any regrets?
His death reminds me of others who passed.
I’ve always tried to avoid the void and the pain.
Although it hurts and the painful memories last,
I know they reside above and love will always reign.
David A. Grenardo is a professor of law at the St. Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas. He was a four-year letterman in football at Rice University and earned his J.D. from Duke Law School.
John Weik is an artist living in Austin, Texas. More of his work can be seen at partysloth.org.