"A pilgrimage of homecoming."
Photo by Artem Podrez: Pexels.com
Two tired children tucked in bed, motherlove
whispered gently against their cheeks,
light switches thrown, quilts tame on couches
making lazy hound-shapes in the dark.
My feet are sure against the hardwood floor,
here a dip due to age, here the corner
where I keep my winter crochet and books,
each creak an amen, affirmation, home.
Simple things: warm kitchen, mint toothpaste.
A pilgrimage of homecoming. And this,
my favorite, your face as I slide into
bed, the way you lay down your book as though
no matter when I come, it is the end
of a chapter, and a good stopping-place.
Colleen S. Harris is a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee whose books of poetry include God in My Throat: The Lilith Poems (Bellowing Ark, 2009), These Terrible Sacraments (Bellowing Ark, 2010; re-released by Doubleback Books, 2019), and The Kentucky Vein (Punkin House, 2011), and she co-edited Women Versed in Myth: Essays on Modern Women Poets (McFarland, 2016). Her poetry has appeared in Main Street Rag, Free Verse, Appalachian Heritage, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, 66: The Journal of Sonnet Studies, and Tipton Poetry Journal, among others.