"A reminder to us all"
Photo by jonas mohamadi: Pexels.com
When the weight of the world feels so heavy
you could collapse,
remember the dandelion.
Often mistaken as a weed
its roots run deep,
difficult to uproot from the ground.
And its head-
a perfect sphere.
Comprised of seeds that can
a field of life.
(with the mere breath of a child)
A reminder to us all,
that even on the days we feel the darkest,
like a weed being tussled and spread and
destroyed by the winds of this world.
There are seeds of beauty
in all of us.
An opportunity to regenerate and bloom
Whitney is an educator from Dallas, TX. Her work is inspired by motherhood, current events, and her activism. In her spare time, she can be found walking neighborhood streets with her dog, reading, and spending time with her husband and friends.