We encourage you to submit work for publication by San Antonio Review. The SAR Editorial Collective especially seeks work by individuals and groups underrepresented in published digital and print media. We further encourage submissions concerning issues of local, national and global community interest from areas often overlooked.
San Antonio Review accepts submissions of:
Fiction & Nonfiction Prose
Poetry (find out what our poetry editor looks for in this note)
Visual Art
Reviews (books, films, music, art, etc.)
Theory (critical, auto and otherwise)
Music (audio and video files accepted)
Spoken Word (audio and video files accepted)
Items for review (see Materials for Review below)
We publish a wide variety of work. If you think your work doesn’t fit into a listed genre, submit it anyway with your suggestion(s) for how we work together.
While we can only review and publish English-language works, we are delighted to publish foreign-language translations of works, if provided.
Calls for submissions will be open at Duosuma based on the following issue publication schedule:
Fall: Submissions open on June 1 and close August 31. Issue publishes September 25.
Winter: Submissions open September 25 and close on November 30. Issue publishes December 23.
Spring: Submissions open January 3 and close on February 28. Issue publishes March 25.
Summer: Submissions open March 25 and close May 30. Issue publishes June 25.
Accepted contributors must have a PubPub account to link their byline to a profile.
To create a PubPub account, go to https://www.pubpub.org/signup.
Be sure to check your spam for a confirmation email. If you have problems, contact [email protected].
We try to respond as quickly as possible but receive many, many submissions (and have day jobs). We also take brief hiatuses at times to recharge and manage our personal affairs. Please have patience.
We look forward to reviewing your submissions.
Authors and artists retain all rights to their work. View our publication agreement.
Books, records and other materials for review may be sent to [email protected] or